Tuesday, May 10, 2011

One of the first things I saw upon entering the center of the village was a brick house with a seemingly original brick sidewalk. A sign out front said "Honey for sale" and I love honey. So I thought I'd buy a jar of honey and talk to the owners of this lovely place.

Laura Dollarhide greeted me and she spoke with an accent identical to that of my own dear Mom. (Even her wicker chairs were the same ones my Mom cherishes to this day!) "We moved here from Indiana 17 years ago" she explained. "But we know the house was built in 1886, and it was owned by Dr. Risser." The Rissers are mentioned a lot in the town histories. We had a nice conversation about honey and bricks and she let me take some pictures. The honey came in a Ball jar of course which also was a sweet regional touch. (incidentally, I also talked to someone in the Village office who had relatives in Anderson, IN, that same region that Lawrence's son E. M. Zerr emigrated to and started my Mom's family - there must have been some connection between Shelby Co. IL and Anderson, IN).

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